Leadership Practitioner

Leadership Practitioner Connection is a community committed to exploring what it means to practice leadership in our day-to-day lives. We support each other as we work through leadership challenges. We learn from one another. We inspire one another. We get inspired by one another.

In the Leadership Practitioner Connection, we're...

Bonding with each other

We share our leadership stories and experiences.

Supporting each other

We listen, we explore, we share, we care.

Learning from each other

We learn from our collective wisdom - group chat discussions, guided live video discussions with subject matter experts, on-demand full and mini courses, and more.


Our vision for the Leadership Practitioner Connection is to have a space where...

By leadership practitioners for leadership practitioners. 

That space will be our online community where we can bring the good, the bad, the ugly… all of it – and  work through it all, supported and facilitated by leadership coaches Marlene Ziobrowski and Jonathan Rozenblit.